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Undercover Mama & Discount Code

Ok so this post is not photography related, but it is mom related. And being a mom is just as much (if not more) a part of my life as photography so I just had to share! I have approxomately nursed Simon 2000-3000 times in the 8 months that he’s been alive. (Yes, I did the math. haha). Sometimes nursing in public is inevidable and unavoidable.  I actually support moms nursing in public because if Joe next door gets to eat his lunch at the park, restaurant, or store, why shouldn’t my baby be able to also?  But even when you nurse with those cute nursing covers, it leaves your back bare and exposed to the world. Enter the coolest product I’ve found: Undercover mama.

It’s a nursing tank that attaches to ANY nursing bra. It’s easy to use, and I really enjoy it. I just had to share in case anyone else doesn’t love the idea of their sides and back showing while nursing.

I sometimes even wear mine with a cardigan which makes nursing that much easier!

If you’re a nursing mom, go ahead and use some of that money that you’re saving not having to buy bottles and formula and treat yourself to an undercover mama. And while you’re at it, take 25% off using the code : PHOTO25 (available for only 24 hours).

You can thank me later. 😉