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Tarah & Ryan New Years Eve Wedding

I shot this gorgeous New Years Eve wedding alongside Morgan Leigh up at the Homestead in Midway. You could genuinely feel the love between their family and loved ones. The vibe was so relaxed and everyone just exuded joy. After the ceremony, Tarah and Ryan braved temperatures in the teens to take formal photos together as husband and wife. And it was SO worth it! Tarah had the foresight to know that these photos would mean so much in the weeks, years, and decades to come. I kept asking her “Are you ok? Do you want my coat?” She would laugh and say “I’m just fine! Only my fingers are cold.” I think she was on a post wedding adrenaline love high! And I’m so glad her and Ryan were such good sports because we were able to get some beautiful images.


Her little niece said “You look like a princess aunt Tarah! Come on, let’s twirl!”tarah3

I loved this moment between Tarah and her Dad just before the ceremonytarah4tarah6tarah7

This little angel slept through the entire thing!tarah8tarah9tarah10tarah11

Ryan loves horses, so you can imagine their delight when this horse drawn sleigh magically appeared behind them as we were taking photos!

Like I said: pure joy!


And they made it official by signing the Marriage License. tarah17