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Earl Family

I love this family so much! We used to live in the same neighborhood years ago. I was thrilled when they contacted me to do their photos just days before their oldest son left on his mission. I knew since he was leaving in a couple days, this was one shoot I could not afford to screw up (not that I’ve ever screwed up a photoshoot, but you know what I mean). Anyway, they are such a beautiful family and I had a blast capturing these memories for them. Now, if I can only convince them to hire me as their vacation photographer…(they frequent amazing locations like Peru, Austrailia, France, Japan etc.)


  • Becky

    July 23, 2011at5:55 am

    Great family….great photos. You captured their beauty and simple elegance to a tee. Have loved this family for many years.

  • Robyn Nielsen

    July 26, 2011at6:52 pm

    Katie, I love the pictures of the Earl’s. Steve looks like he could be running for President! I need you to take pictures of our family. I will call you and set up an appointment. You are awesome!