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A very Pease Halloween Re-cap

We spent the holiday in Logan with all my in-laws.  How fun it was to get all the little cousins together and go trick or treating.  Since we moved, and I have been so insanely busy, I was super duper lame and didn't plan a


We have a very very busy weekend ahead of us so I probably won't see you until Monday

Sweet Grandma Lucille Pease

This is a photo of the last time we saw Brant's Grandma Pease.  May she rest in peace.  I only knew her 6 and a half years.  5 years ago I was touched that she made the long car ride to St George to attend

The Hike I almost didn’t make it out of.

It was a beautiful and sunny late afternoon.  My friends Hayley, Sarah, and I were about to leave Moab.  We had talked about just doing one hike before we left.  I hadn't been back to Moab since 2002 so hiking sounded fabulous! I didn't know


I apologize for the slow blogging week. I have so many amazing images in my camera to show you next week!  I am going to Moab this weekend and will be (semi) roughing it.  I won't have any connection to internet or email but I