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Happy Birthday Claire!

There are no words in the English language, or any language for that matter that can even come close to expressing the love I have for this little one.  Today she turns two.  She is vivacious, a busy body, tender hearted, loving, kind, gentle, curious, attentive, confident, independent, and knows what she wants, when she wants it, and how she wants it! (Does that sound familiar to anyone?)  She loves other kids, loves to learn, loves to socialize, begs to be read to, insists on watching Kung Fu Panda, and utterly adores her Daddy.  We joke that when he’s around, I’m “chopped liver”.  She is and has been the biggest and best blessing of my life so far.  I cannot remember life before she was in it.  These past two years have been, at moments the hardest, but by far the happiest of my life.  Thank you Claire for bringing me immense joy every single day that I see your sweet and happy face.  You truly are your namesake: bright.  Happy Birthday to you, may all your sweet little two year old wishes come true! 
Her must have accessory at all times.
  • Erika Sullivan

    June 25, 2010at2:29 pm

    Happy birthday Claire! These are precious. Love the dress and shoes, and I LOVE the one with her sitting on the red chair. We wish we could be there for your special day! Love you!

  • Jess

    June 25, 2010at6:38 pm

    Are you kidding me?! She is perfect!!! Happy birthday Claire

  • Lostylady

    June 25, 2010at8:44 pm

    Ahhh! I think I am in love! Happy birthday to your little angel!

  • rebecca

    June 27, 2010at1:04 pm

    Happy Birthday, my darling Claire. What beautiful pictures of your two year old self!

  • Alex

    July 2, 2010at10:00 pm

    she is gorgeous kate!! and i will tell my mom about your photo skills so if the store ever needs a photographer you will be it! love you.

  • Laura Edwards

    August 3, 2010at3:25 am

    She reminds me of an angel!