My Whole World aka My Children – Personal Film Work –
One of the biggest reasons why my heart drew me to photography is to capture the essence of my children and who they are in that exact moment in their childhood. Being a mom can be an absolute whirlwind sometimes, and oftentimes it’s just one bedtime to the next. It’s SO easy to forget little things about them and especially the day to day moments. The best cure for a bad memory is a photograph. I’ve been loving shooting film for clients lately, but more-so for my personal work. There is a creamy smooth aesthetic when it comes to film that’s hard to be re-created with digital photography. Plus, the skin tones, and latitude in lighting and contrast just gets me. One photographer who’ve I’ve had the pleasure of meeting and shooting alongside is Jonathan Canlas. The way he photographs his (6!!) children inspires me to photograph my children. Things aren’t always “picture perfect”. A lot of time (i.e. most of the time) there’s messy hair, mismatched clothes, and stains. But you know what? That is who they are in that exact moment and it deserves remembering. I’ll never regret taking their photos even if they aren’t “picture perfect” in them. One of my favorite sayings is “what is not perfect is beautiful.” To me, there’s art in authenticity and perfection within imperfection. Here are some personal photos taken over the past few months of my Claire (age 7) and my Simon (age 4)
She is just the essence of sweet. And those cheeks are beyond kissable.Simon and cousin Maddie playing Revolutionary War in a shirt…and PJ pants.
They frequently play star wars with the neighborhood kids. Gotta love Simon’s face and backwards shirt!
If it’s above 75, there’s a good chance they’re in their swimsuits.
Claire has loved living in Texas…as long as you don’t mention the “S” (snow) word in front of her. If you do, there’s a good chance she will start to cry because she misses it terribly. She was born in Salt Lake City, and lived there till she was 5 and a half and just loves the winter and snow. I couldn’t resist taking her on a winter trip back to Salt Lake this past January to do some snowy fun activities.
It’s not Texas spring without bluebonnets!
There may have been bribes involved with the next series of images.
These two have such a special relationship. Claire has always cared for Simon so fiercely. The first thing she said when she met him after he was born (she was 3 and a half) was the most heartfelt and unprompted “I love you” you’ll ever hear. It was the best moment of my entire life. They continue to be best little buds.